Poker 5 Card Ranking | Master strongest hands and earn more

You must know online Poker 5 Card Rankings to win big at M88 Live Casino: 1. Royal Flush (Strongest) 2. Straight Flush 3. Four of a Kind 4. Full House 5. Flush.

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Poker gaming online on the M88 website is one of the most fun activities that most customers enjoy. So, if you want to hop in on this thrilling entertainment, then there is one important thing about poker that you must know: the Hand Rankings in Poker. In this article, we will be looking at all the 10 poker card combination ranking that beginners must learn as part of their how to play poker online learning journey.

Top 5 Hand Rankings in Poker

In total, there are 10 hand rankings in Poker online, but in this Poker 5 card ranking article, we have divided the poker card combination ranking into two different sections. Here, we will be looking into the top Poker 5 card ranking that is considered to be the best and the strongest hand rankings in Poker. These 5 Card poker hand rankings can give you almost instant wins, with the strongest hand being first and so on in the descending order.

1. The Royal Flush Hand

Payout: 100:1
Condition: All the cards in the hand must be of the same suit with consecutive face card rank as shown in the image below.

poker 5 card ranking hand rankings in poker explained royal flush

The first poker 5 card ranking that is the strongest is the Royal Flush card rank. This is made up of cards that are rare to come by in any poker game but not very unlikely. So, it is best to keep an eye out for the poker 5 card ranking of the Royal Flush hand since this can give you an instant win.

2. The Straight Flush

Payout: 50:1
Condition: All the cards in this hand must be consecutive in ranks and also must be from the same suit.

poker 5 card ranking hand rankings in poker explained straight flush

The second most strongest poker 5 card ranking is the Straight Flush hand rank in poker. This is similar to the Royal Flush wherein you must get all the cards consecutive to each other and from the same suit. However, the ranks of the cards does not have to be a face card, and this is one of the hand rankings in poker to look out for instant wins with some M88 Casino Tips from our website.

3. Four of a Kind

Payout: 20:1
Condition: Four of a Kind is a poker 5 card ranking hand wherein 4 out of 5 cards have the same card rank as shown in the image

poker 5 card ranking hand rankings in poker explained four of a kind

The third most strongest hand rankings in poker is the Four of a Kind hand which is yet another rare poker card combination ranking to get. Here, four out of five cards are of the same ranking, which means they have the same number on them and thus sometimes belong to different suits, as shown in the image above. Four of a Kind rank is sometimes more easier to get than the other two poker 5 card ranking above.

4. The Full House Hand

Payout: 7:1
Condition: The Full house is a Poker 5 card ranking hand wherein the cards consists of a three of a kind and a pair card rank.

poker 5 card ranking hand rankings in poker explained full house

When there are two different hand rankings in Poker in a single 5 card poker hand rankings, namely the pair and three of a kind hand rank, then it is considered to be a full house. Here, you get a pair and triple rank of cards as shown in the image above. However, this is one of the top 5 card poker hand rankings that is easier to get so keep an eye out for these in the M88 Poker game rooms.

5. The Flush Card Rank

Payout: 5:1
Condition: Also known as the colour card rank, the Flush card rank consists of cards from the same suit irrespective of the rank.

poker 5 card ranking hand rankings in poker explained flush

The fifth strongest 5 card poker hand rankings is called the Flush or the Coloured hand rank. Here, you must get all 5 cards from the same suit, or same color, irrespective of the rank sequence. This is another card rank that is difficult to get in the poker games online yet has a higher chance than the other hand rankings in poker above. The payout ratio for this poker 5 card ranking hand is 5:1 and is the last top 5 poker card combination ranking to look out for.

Common 5 Poker Hand Ranks to look out for

Now let us move on to the next section of this hand rankings in poker tutorial, and look into the top 5 Card poker hand rankings that are common to win in the game room. These are easier to get and thus, are more likely to get you to win in the Poker game rooms online. So, join the M88 register too access, play, and win at some of the best poker gameplays online.

1. The Straight Hand

Payout: 4:1
Condition: The next poker 5 card ranking is the straight hand wherein you must get consecutive ranks irrespective of the suit.

poker 5 card ranking hand rankings in poker explained straight

The sixth most strongest card rank in poke is the Straight hand rank wherein all the cards in the poker card combination ranking must be of consecutive numbers irrespective of the suit. Thus, this can be called as the opposite of the flush card rank, and one of the two hand ranks in the Straight Flush poker 5 card ranking online. The payout ratio for this hand is 4:1 making this a card hand more likely to occur in gameplays.

2. Three of a Kind

Payout: 3:1
Condition: Three of a Kind is a poker 5 card ranking wherein three out of five cards have the same card ranks, or numbers.

poker 5 card ranking hand rankings in poker explained three of a kind

Three of a Kind is another famous and most likely to occur hand rankings in poker games online. Here, you get three out of the five cards to be of the same rank irrespectively of card suit, as shown in the image. This card rank is the easier to get so far in the poker game rooms online as the payout ratio for this poker 5 card ranking is 3:1

3. The Two Pair Hand

Payout: 2:1
Condition: Two pay poker 5 card ranking means that four out of five cards form two different pairs based on ranks.

poker 5 card ranking hand rankings in poker explained two pair

The most occurring poker hand rankings is the two pair card rank wherein four cards must form pairs of two with the same rank number on the cards. For instance, out of five cards, if two cards have the value of Ace and other two have the value of 4 in the same hand, then it is a two pair poker card combination ranking. This card ranking comes with a 2:1 ratio and is a pretty common way to get instant wins in the game rooms online.

4. The Pair Card Rank

Payout: 1:1
Condition: If the poker card combination ranking gets one and only one pair then it is the Pair card hand rank.

poker 5 card ranking hand rankings in poker explained pair

When out of five cards, two cards have the same rank and form a pair, irrespective of suits, it is called a Pair hand rank. This is a poker card hand rank that is extremely common in the game rooms online and most of your wins will come from these, so be sure to keep an eye out for them. This hand rank combination in poker comes with a 1:1 ratio making this pretty common to find.

5. The High Card Rank

Payout: 1:1
Condition: When there are no combinations in the hand, the high card is declared as the winner.

poker 5 card ranking hand rankings in poker explained high card

The high card rank depends on whether or not there are other combinations formed in the poker card hand rank for the betting round. What this means is that when there are no combos formed, then the single card with the highest rank is declared the winner. The card  ranks are determined based on the Ascending to Descending order wherein Ace is the highest and 2 is the smallest, and comes with a 1:1 payout ratio.


These were the top Poker 5 Card Ranking hands that you should learn about when learning how to play poker online. This is something that you should know as a beginner so that it helps you be quick with making betting decisions in the real money poker game rooms online. So, go ahead and join the M88 register as a new member and claim their bonuses to play some of the best poker games online keeping these hand rankings in Poker in mind. For more information about Poker games, strategies, tips, and tricks, keep visiting 88MYR.

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